Cpx24.com CPM Program


Friday, May 31, 2013

It's a wrap with the brother Drew on his Buddhist half sleeve. Check it out...

June walk-in days!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hey guys, we are excited to announce that we are having a summer walk-in week, our first one ever, from June 10th till June 15th, both days included!
We started out planning a walk-in day, but we decided to try a whole week to make it a bit easier for those with not-so-flexible jobs, and well, just because we can!
Why not, right?

Matthew and Wendy will prepare some flash, but they will also be able to do small custom pieces, as long as you don't mind waiting for the drawing, of course.
They'll post sketches and flash on their instagrams in the coming weeks, so you can have a sneak peek at what designs you'll have to choose from.

We'll be starting at 1 pm every day, and finish whenever we're finished.
Uncle Allan is unfortunately booked that week, but he promises he'll do the next walk-in week, whenever that'll be*!

We hope many of you will want to come by, check out the shop and get a sweet new tattoo!
Any questions? Email me at conspiracyinctattoo@gmail.com.

*And should anyone cancel during that week, he'll be ready with some rose flash, i'm sure :)

And one more time in German! (no, i totally didn't write that, i just have awesome German friends to translate for me, that's all): 
Hey da draussen, wir sind total aufgeregt euch allen unsere Sommer-Walk-In-Woche zu verkünden!!!!
Unsere erste Walk-In-Woche überhaupt und diese findet vom 10.-15. Juni statt! Also 6 Tage Walk-Ins!!

Wir haben eigentlich geplant einen Walk-In-Tag zu posten, aber haben uns dann kurzfristig dazu entschieden daraus eine ganze Woche zu machen, was es für alle ein wenig einfacher macht in Bezug auf Termine, nicht so flexible Arbeitszeiten, etc! Und natürlich weil wir es einfach machen können!
Also warum nicht, oder?

Wendy und Matthew bereiten gerade ein paar Flashs vor, haben aber auch sicherlich Zeit um einige Customarbeiten machen zu können, solange ihr euch dann die Zeit nehmt auf die Zeichnung zu warten.
Die beiden werden in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen einige Sketches und Flashs auf Instagram posten, so dass ihr die Möglichkeit habt, schon mal einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf das zu bekommen, was euch dann erwartet und worauf ihr euch schon mal freuen könnt.

Starten werden wir jeden Tag um 13.00 Uhr und hören auf wann immer wir fertig sind.

Uncle Allan ist leider in dieser Woche komplett gebucht, hat aber versprochen, dass er bei der nächsten Walk-In-Woche dabei ist, wann auch immer diese stattfindet!
Sollte in dieser Woche allerdings jemand bei Allan seinen Termin canceln, wird er Wendy und Matthew bestimmt mit einigen Rosen aus seinem Flash zur Seite stehen.

Wir hoffen das viele von euch vorbeikommen, das Studio besichtigen und am Ende eine neues Tattoo tragen werden!

MEMORIAL DAY X VEGAS (Iphone edition) .

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I spent the last four days in the Tower Suite at the Wynn hotel in Vegas with my fam. Maaaan I'm tired! This extended week end was epic. I wish I could have take better pictures because most of them came out blurry. Why? Because your boy was intoxicated most of the time haha… 4 days of partying with no break, popping bottles in the club to partying hard in the cabana at pool parties! We had so much fun, even though we've been to Vegas a lot lately, it's always a different experience. Now we're back at the studio ready to come up with new tattoos and designs for our new collections. Work!

Grinch and I like to keep a nice smile...

  I love room service!

 Can't get enough of this… I probably ate 8 of those in 4 days…haha

 Work hard play hard

 My favorite to fight the hangover.

 I grabbed a pic of GZA's arm. Still unfinished. 

 You got to keep them clean yo!

Jade's arm in the process of healing.

First you Turn UP and then… You turn down… haha J' Racks was on one.



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I did a final touch on this one today.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

The brother Alex was at the studio yesterday to lay the first session on his chest plate. You can' t go wrong with some praying hands… I still want to do an other pass on it.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today David was at the studio to get a cherub piece on his lower back. In order to optimise the space, I chose to freehand the stencil. (Inspired by Chuey Quitanar)


Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Monday, May 13, 2013

... and other Europeans.
I have a few May dates with Uncle Allan i'd like to book, but since we're going on a little (not tattoo related)  trip away from the office, i don't really have time to go through the waiting list.
So here's your chance to grab an appointment with Allan, with very little waiting involved!
Dates are 21st of May, 29th and 30th of May, design, size, placement is all up to you!
Send an email to conspiracyinctattoo@gmail.com if you're interested and we'll take it from there.

 Also don't forget that you can book with Matthew Gordon and Wendy Pham, see how here and here!
Oh, and the shop is great, Berlin is awesome, spring is here. There, that was an update of sorts, right?


Friday, May 10, 2013

My boy Johnny was at the studio yesterday to get his leg started with a portrait of Johnny Depp from one of his favourite classic movie ''Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas''. Johnny sat like a champ for 11 hours. It was an extremely long night and we ended up leaving the studio at 6 AM! Just to come back at 11 AM to start a new project on another client. Haha.. 


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It has been really hard to find the time to do a session on my brother Glen lately. Even though we both work in the same building and see each other everyday, we both have been really busy and never have time to work on his sleeve. We managed to pull a baby session on his arm tonight, right before a business meeting. I still have a lot more work to do on this piece and eventually complete a sleeve… Stay tuned.


Monday, May 6, 2013

I have been so busy lately in between tattooing and working on designs for D9 Reserve. That's why when I have a chance to draw, it's either free handing things on skin or doodling on whatever stands in front of me. Here is some characters I drew with a ball point pen on some brown paper bags. I'm going to try to do more of them so I can build up a  collection and one never knows do a little art show.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Jeff came from New Jersey to start a half sleeve. I was really happy with the ideas he bought to the table as we managed to come up with a really strong, meaningful piece. I enjoyed working on this tattoo BUT it was one hell of a long night! By 4:30am,  we managed to get it finished!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Horacio was back at the studio for a second session. I worked on the gap he had at the back of his arm. I can't wait to finish the entire sleeve. Here is my interpretation of a section of the Sistine Chapel ceiling from Michael Angelo.

''Genius is eternal patience''  -Michelangelo


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